Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Welcoming 2011: Painting the New Sky

4 more days left, and then...
ladies and germs, please welcome the brand new year: 2011!!!! :DD

It's been a long time since my last post here. And today I suddenly feel like I'm so gonna dedicate this post to...YOU!!! yes, you, the one that has been in my mind lately. I'm sorry that I didn't allow you to open this blog or my twitter page in the name of privacy. But now I guess I should be fair. Everyone deserves to know that he/she is loved by someone else. And you...deserve to know about what I am going to write here.

Back then, a few months ago, you were only a stranger that happened to be someone who's responsible to review my work. And I can't remember when was the first time I shared a lot of stories to you. The next thing I knew, you told me about some parts of your life story, about her...and her, and another "her"...a bunch of girls around you :))

And you also knew about that someone who used to be the only one that I loved. You knew how he broke my heart, and you were the one who told me that such thing is just so normal, especially for men, it's just a little stuff and I should take it easy, that everything is just gonna be fine. Thanks for your silly jokes that has brought the laughter back into my life :))

Do you remember what you ever told me about the sky? I don't know how many girls out there who received such messages from you, but to me, you are the only man in my life who shares his minds about the beauty of the sky, sunset, stuffs like that :P
Here are the text messages that you sent me:

" sore ini Jakarta with the best sunset. check and lift your head up" (received: Dec 2, 2010. 17:18)

"Sekilas info: Take a look at Cikarang sunset. It's awesome, Bhakti :)"

(received: Dec 15, 2010. 17:40)

Thank you for indirectly showing me that there's another beauty up away there. You knew that I ever wrote this on my facebook:

"and this afternoon I just realized that I've been too busy with the earth, and I forget to look up to the sky. endless blue, unlimited...that might be the real beauty I've been yearning for..."

You ever told me that you feel like having no more goal in life. And I often feel the same way, seems like I'm just living my routines, and I don't even dare to dream anymore. But I'm sure that as long as the sky is still up there, we still have time to paint it and add more colors. *ya kaleeeee, Bhaktiiii...kalo langit runtuh itu namanya kiamat -___-"

Soooo...I thank you for adding some new colors on my sky this year. Thank you for those movies nights, silly jokes, sweet songs, shopping times, bandung trip, and also...that absurd night at Hotel Horison, all those funny moments :">

And one more thing, you don't need to say "thank you for listening", for I just enjoyed the times sitting next to you, breathing the air filled with your scent, and listening to your voice figuring out what's on your mind :))

Wishing all the best for your future, dear...I love you. Good luck to you and your partner :))

Sabtu, 06 November 2010


Bukannya sok imut, tapi biasanya kan perempuan identik dengan bunga. Dan kebetulan, alhamdulillah, saya sejak lahir berjenis kelamin perempuan :D

Dan walaupun terus terang saya lebih suka manjat pohon daripada main barbie, tapi tetep aja namanya cewek, saya punya bunga favorit: Sunflower ^^

Saking senengnya sama bunga matahari, password saya, nama bluetooth, nama USB saya dsb pake semua yang berhubungan dengan sunflower. Bahkan ada yg sering ngeledekin nick aneh saya "Sonnenblume" (bahasa Jerman untuk bunga matahari) xD

Kenapa saya suka bunga matahari??? Kenapa nggak bunga mawar atau anggrek yang kesannya lebih "girlie"?? ya suka-suka saya dong!! masih mending saya nggak milih Raflessia Arnoldi a.k.a bunga bangkai :P

Haha..ok...seriously, sebenernya ada filosofi khusus yang bikin saya suka bunga matahari. Karena sebenernya, saya berharap bisa jadi perempuan tipe bunga matahari.

Dilihat dari bentuknya aja, bunga matahari itu besar, tampak kuat dan kokoh. Kalo bunga itu diibaratkan seperti perempuan, saya pengen jadi yang kuat juga. Bukan bunga mawar yang membentengi diri dengan duri tapi sebenernya rapuh. Lagian badan saya kan nggak mungil...wakakak nggak bakal cocok kalo mengibaratkan diri seperti bunga mawar :D

Dari warnanya, bunga matahari itu kuning, cerah, ceria. Saya suka warna kuning dan saya suka keceriaan. Kalo kita menaruh bunga matahari di dalam ruangan, suasananya juga ikutan jadi ceria. Nah saya pengen jadi perempuan yang seperti itu, yang bisa bikin sekeliling saya jadi bahagia. amiiiiiiiiiin :))

Dan bunga matahari selalu menghadap ke arah sinar matahari. Dia selalu berusaha mencari terang. Saya juga berharap bisa seperti itu, selalu mencari sisi terang dari segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam hidup saya ^^

Kalo dari segi manfaat, kita semua tahu kalo biji bunga matahari yang biasa dibikin jadi cemilan bernama 'kuaci' banyak banget manfaatnya buat kesehatan. Nah, saya juga pengen jadi perempuan yang seperti itu. Nggak cuma bagus secara penampilan fisik, tapi juga punya 'isi' dan bisa bermanfaat buat orang lain.

Sooooooooo...sekian filosofi bunga matahari dari saya.
btw...saya punya impian bikin foto pre-wedding di kebun bunga matahari.
wakakakakkak...bollywood sekaliiiiiii...haha >,<

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Be Careful, It's Fire You're Playing With...

tiba-tiba teringat dengan pear argentina...


please stop spreading out your pheromone around me........

please stop wearing that grin when you're teasing me............

please stop being so damn...irresistable!!!!

great...I hate it...I guess I really am in love. sh*t -___-

Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

October Fun


Wuih sudah lama sekali saya ga beres-beres blog ^^

Now, here I am, back again, a brand new me...ha!

Banyak banget hal yang berubah dalam satu bulan ini.
Waktu gw liat lagi posting-posting beberapa bulan terakhir, gw jadi nyadar betapa mellow-nya gw waktu itu. Haha...jadi maluuuuuu >,<

Dan sekarang gw bersyukur, karena masa-masa suram itu akhirnya lewat juga.
Ternyata emang bener ya, hidup itu nggak akan berhenti di satu titik.
Pasti ada saat-saatnya kita jatuh dan terpuruk, tapi selama kita masih percaya, bagaimanapun Tuhan nggak akan benar-benar meninggalkan kita sendirian.

Banyak hal baru dalam hidup gw. Dimulai dari beli handphone baru...wakakak.
Akhirnya handphone butut gw bisa pensiun juga XD

Terus...dalam kerjaan juga banyak hal baru. Murid gw di kelas nambah lagi, jadi sekarang total ada 11 murid di Smart Class. Ada guru baru juga, penggantinya sahabatku tercinta yang akhirnya resign karena masalah kesehatan.

Dan ini yang akhir-akhir ini bikin keceriaan gw balik lagi, I'm in love with a new guy...hehehhheehheeehhe. Sebenernya nggak baru sih, udah kenal sejak beberapa bulan lalu. Tapi dulu gw masih setia pada yang lama, padahal bukan pacar juga :hammer:
And this time, dangerous...because he's already in a relationship with another woman :')

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Acoustic Summer

He gave me this one as a present for my upcoming birthday. It contains 2 CDs in one album...nice songs, he knows what I'd love to listen to...

And tonight was nice, in an unpredictable way. At first I thought there would be an awkward situation, thought he would act so cold or something. And he almost ruined my mood by coming an hour late.

But thank God it turned out that he was in a good mood, talked a lot, cracked lots of jokes, one of them was about the artificial tree whose leaves looked like marijuana :D

and...we ran under the rain on the way back to the bus station. I laughed because it just reminded me of bollywood movies...rain...haha, but no...we were not dancing that time :p

then...I shook his hand, said thank you, bye...and (I myself can't hardly believe it), I...kissed him on the cheek. Just a light kiss, with my nose...and I ran off to get on the bus *-*


I said sorry. He said thank you.

Haven't I told you I'll remain your friend, no matter what?

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

I'll Remain Your Friend, If Not Best...

I'll Be Here

I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away;
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today.

I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears;
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears.

I'm here and I will stand by you,
On each hill you have to climb;
So take my hand, let's face the world...
And live just one day at a time.

You're not alone, for I'm still here,
I'll go that extra mile;
And when your grief is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile!

- Author Unknown

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

La Vida Es Un Gran Milagro

* lagi bingung antara setia sama pekerjaan yang saya cintai atau memilih karier lain yang lebih menjamin masa depan.

* akhir-akhir ini orang rumah udah mulai komentar tentang jam kerja saya yang berangkat pagi-pagi buta dan pulang malam. padahal saya (cuma) guru TK.

* saya nggak bisa pisah dari dunia anak-anak. saya butuh senyum dan keceriaan mereka. memeluk mereka bisa menghidupkan lagi jiwa saya yang keruh.

* banyak sekali proyek yang harus saya selesaikan selain mengajar. saya sampe keliyengan sendiri waktu liat jadwal. bentrok sama midsemester report dan event-event lain pula. saya bingung harus mulai dari mana.

* saya masih sulit menghilangkan kebiasaan saya menceritakan semuanya ke dia. padahal saya tahu dia sudah tidak peduli.

* kadang saya pengen pergi jauh. jadi aktivis sosial yang mengembara keliling dunia. tapi untuk saat ini, saya rasa hal itu cuma pelarian. dan hasilnya pasti tidak akan baik.

* saya harus berhenti menganalisis hidup. saya harus kembali pada keyakinan bahwa hidup itu adalah suatu keajaiban yang besar dari Tuhan Sang Maha Penyayang.